Co-authored by Amazon Watch and the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples
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Photo: Pedrosa Neto / Amazônia Real

The new Mined Amazon dashboard, developed in partnership with InfoAmazonia for this report, shows in real time the applications filed with the ANM that impact Indigenous Lands and Conservation Units in the Brazilian Legal Amazon, with the possibility of using search filters by companies and territories. Data is collected daily from the ANM database and cross-referenced with the boundaries of indigenous lands and integral protection conservation units in the Legal Amazon (data from Funai and the Ministry of the Environment), identifying applications that overlap (totally or partially) or touch the borders or any part of these protected areas.

All applications that are active in the ANM system are considered, regardless of the processing stage - even if a company has requested the withdrawal of a request or denial, if it appears as valid in the agency's system, it is subject to appeal and included in the database. For more information on how we collect the data, see:

Browse the interactive dashboard to find out more. The search tool allows you to view data for specific companies or territories, as well as combine different searches. In addition to the map view, data can be accessed in lists and graphs that can be exported and downloaded.

Produced in Association with