Co-authored by Amazon Watch and the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples
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Photo: Diego Baravelli / Greenpeace
Grafismo Indígena


Indigenous peoples play an essential role in preserving the Amazon rainforest and other critical ecosystems for climate balance. This crucial role is often threatened by the actions of large companies, whose activities can have enormous impacts on the environment and on the lives of traditional peoples. These companies are favored by governments, but also by large international financiers, which, instead of defending the Amazon and the communities that protect it, are, in most cases, complicit in its destruction.

To break the cycle of complicity and hold the corporate and financial actors behind this devastation accountable, in 2018 the US-based non-governmental organization Amazon Watch created the Complicity in Destruction (CID) project. The first report, released in the same year, was accompanied by communication campaigns and advocacy actions aimed especially at the international public, in the countries where most of these corporations are headquartered.

As of 2019, the project was expanded through a partnership with the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples, which embraced the initiative and is currently co-author of the series of Complicity in Destruction reports, and leader in communication and advocacy campaigns targeting international companies and financiers, alongside Amazon Watch.

The reports gathered on this platform disclose data that demonstrate the financial links between international corporations and companies in various sectors, such as agribusiness, extractive industries and large infrastructure projects, which are contributing to the destruction of the Amazon and the violation of human rights.

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